The Morty Trap - Chapter 1 - Spring_Thirst_Trap (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 1

You’re Morty Smith, C-6AY. You may not be the one true Morty, but you’re a Morty goddamit! You wonder how many times you’ve had to try and prove yourself to Rick. It’s as if he doesn’t even care about you half the time, maybe even more than that. You suppose you’re just like all the other mortys though. Forced to a life of submission in Rick’s crazy antics. Sometimes you wonder what makes you unique, what separates you from all the other mortys across dimensions. If there’s anything at all that makes you special.

“M-morty, c’mon focus!” Rick smacks the back of your head making your mind spin for a moment before tightening your lip in anger “geez rick!”

“this is no time to daydream! We-We got f*cking Zbenzingas on our tail you f*ck tard!” Rick rocks you into reality, the spaceship zooming at insane speeds as weirdo aliens are shooting at us. f*ck! Panic is setting in! as upset as you were by Rick’s abuse you felt he was right.

“Oh god oh geez! I don’t wanna die!” You wail out as your body is slammed about in the spaceship’s erratic fast movements.

“Portal morty! Shoot the f*cking portal!”

With fumbling shaking hands, you grab the portal gun you punch in some numbers and aim the gun outside. A large green swirling portal appearing as our getaway, quickly flying through it and crashing into the schools cafeteria. Rick slams forward, head hitting the dash and groggily looking up, quickly turning to anger.

“Really Morty? You couldn’t think of anywhere better to send the f*cking ship?!”

Before you had a chance to retort, the ship rocked with force from behind and students began to scream around us. One of the aliens managed to slip into the portal with us and is super pissed!

Sinking into your seat in cowardice you quivered and were totally dumbfounded on what the hell to do. Rick yanked you up by the shirt and growled near your face, the reek of alcohol hits “get the f*ck up, you did this! Y-You want your fellow students to f*cking Die because of you?! Get up!”

With that Rick dropped you from his killer grip. Taking some rapid breaths and looking out the ships window you see the alien rampaging, oh god! It’s going to Jessica!

Grabbing one of our sci-fy guns you rushed out the ship, stumbling but quickly going to confront it. Rick held back and seemed co*cky, taking a swig of his flask and leaning against the ship as if he wanted to see if you’d really do it. you aimed the gun and cleared your throat “H-Hey! Hey! G-G-Get away from her!”

Jessica looked at you with Awe “oh my god Morty!” you could feel your heart flutter at the way she said that and looked at you, causing you to straighten up and uncontrollably smirk feeling more confident. I’ll save her and then she’ll finally give me the time of day!

The alien looked down at your weapon and let out a nonsensical gurgling shriek, shooting out its freaky green glowing tentacle to grab the gun and snap it in half. Your lips puckered to resemble a 3 and eyes went blank, the gun broken and pieces falling to your feet. The alien seemed to mock you in a disgusting laugh, you were shaking now and it grabbed you! f*ck! f*ck!

Jessica gave a shrill scream, it grabbed her too! Yanking us closer, your heart racing for every reason, you want to call out for help, call out for Rick, but your eyes are glued onto Jessica’s as we are so close together. We might die. I…I think I should confess my love to her…

feeling a surge through your heart. you shut your eyes and opened your mouth, taking in a breath to speak… but your head was feeling dizzy, you can’t open your eyes…everything feels fading…am I dying? Am I dead?

It all fades to black. Your brain nothing but a fuzzy buzz.

God knows how long it’s been. When you awake you’re in the school nurses office. The white lights spinning a few moments and you hear the faint echo of Rick’s voice, but you don’t know what he’s saying. You feel myself groan, but can’t hear yourself…it takes a little more to gain consciousness.

Sitting up, you must still be out of it, because you see…yourself? you see yourself outside of your body, like, you see YOU but on the opposite bed with Rick looking over you talking to you. He looks annoyed, but I guess he always is. God is this an out of body experience?! How f*cked up did this alien get you?!

“Rick?” you mutter, and he turns around to face you. He takes a second looking between the two before giving an annoyed groan and rolling his eyes.

“f*ck morty. The Zbenzingas Morty. Did you not listen to me on the way to planet Zhorb?! You were supposed to wear the anti switch cream, but you didn’t did you?!” He yells.

Thinking back to earlier, you thought he was just telling you to use sunscreen because it would be hot or something…and you didn’t put it on. anti..switch?

“what are you talking about Rick?” you notice you sound different.

“Look down you idiot”

looking down to see cleavage, your eyes widen. you raise your arms and see you’re not yourself. Not in your body. I’m in Jessica’s body! Oh geez oh crap.

“yeah, no wonder your body was dumber than normal, some f*cking chick is in it” Rick sneered a little too hatefully, glaring over at the Morty body on the other bed for a second.

You ignore him and get up going over to…him? her? “Jessica?” you hesitantly ask..

The Morty before you looks concerned and has a mix of emotions,

“Morty…I can’t believe we switched bodies. This is so weird… how long does this last?” The morty/Jessica turned to ask Rick

“It naturally wares off after 24 hours so you’ll be fine. Ugh.” Rick grumbled and took a drink. He then waved his hand dismissively “you kids do whatever hijinks you want today, don’t be gross. And leave me alone until you’re back to normal morty, I don’t wanna look at you in that body” He said with some level of disgust again.

You could tell Jessica was offended by how Rick regarded her. You really couldn’t blame her. Kind of confused to be honest, wouldn’t he prefer to see Jessica over me? I mean she’s super hot. But maybe Rick is misogynistic. He picks you over Summer or mom even though they’re smarter, so maybe that’s what it is. He’s such an ass you wouldn’t put it past him.

“um, uh” you said, usually it would come out like a nerdy stutter but in Jessica’s body you sound kinda cute in a dumb way. Rick rolled his eyes and left us alone in the nurses office. Jessica looked at you with eyes wide “look, Morty, let’s just be quiet for today. I don’t want anybody to know about this…it’s so weird..i don’t know..” She rubbed her, or rather my, arm, “I don’t want people to know”

You nod in understanding, starting to feel embarrassed by this whole situation. Jessica didn’t ask for any of this sci-fy bullsh*t.

“yeah its weird to explain. So…is there anything I need to know to pass to the rest of the day?” You nervously ask, not wanting to embarrass Jessica any further by somehow f*cking things up for her any more than you already have.

Jessica smiles and tells you about her friends and boyfriend Chad. Her routines. She tells you a lot of social stuff, you start to lose track of a bit, but guess that you’ll keep quiet the rest of the day anyway. You felt awkward telling her about your life. Saying that she doesn’t need to worry about anything since you weren’t popular like she was…

Yet she seemed relieved that you said it. Like, you guess its because she doesn’t need to do anything.

With that we left the nurses office and parted ways to our classes. The way people treated you and looked at you was noticeably different. And you felt yourself smiling. It felt really good having people wave and smile at you! Saying hi and chatting everywhere you went. Classes were actually fun! It felt like everyone was your friend.

So this is what it’s like to be Jessica? Not bad. Not bad at all.

Classes went by with a breeze, you didn’t pay much attention to the subject matter as you were actually busy socializing for once. Finally learning the names of your fellow classmates, their interests and personalities. With Rick pulling you out of school so often combined with your unpopularity you never got to immerse yourself like this before. I felt so gossipy and fun. And normal. Is this what normal kids experience? This must be how Summer feels all the time too, you think, which makes sense why she’s always hanging out with friends or socializing on her phone with them.

After school, when cheer practice came you felt very nervous. You have no experience! And have never been the physically fit type in any way. Jessica had told you to tell them you were too shaken up from the alien to do it and felt hurt so you could just sit by and watch. The excuse seemed to work, with the other cheerleaders seeming to understand. But still encouraged you to change into the uniform and meet out on the field.

You changed into the cheer outfit and felt excited. You don’t know why, but the outfit felt good and it was cute. The little skirt and top were much less constricting than your usual yellow shirt and pants. It was more freeing than Jessica’s usual outfit too. Glancing at the mirror in the locker room briefly you could see yourself, or rather Jessica, smiling. You don’t remember seeing Jessica ever smile like this before. The realization is slightly strange for a moment, curious why you never saw her feeling as happy as you did with having her life for only a few hours, and you wonder if there are things Jessica hasn’t told you…

You shake off the feeling for now, and you strutted out to the field with pom poms in hands and waving to the other girls. you were blending in so well! So you hoped anyway. Today’s been awesome! The sun shining down on you warming your skin and only adding to the brightness of your smile.

“Hey babe” Chad approached and put his hand on your ass. It was unexpected and you slightly jump, but quickly become flustered and nervous about blending in. You blushed hard, face turning to a tomato as you looked up at the tall boyfriend. oh god. you didn’t think of this part. The large intimidating football player looked down at you with a perverted smile.

“Uh, h-hey” you managed to get out

“looking great as always…sorry about that freak alien today. It’s all Morty Smith’s fault! I can totally kick his ass for you”

“no!” you say a little too quickly, face paling as you cough to try and even out your voice “uh…no thanks Chad! It wasn’t Morty’s fault actually, um, it was my-his! His grandpa…uh, you wouldn’t beat an old man that’s so bad” you fumble out.

Chad nodded “yeah true I’m not trying to get canceled”

“yeah!” you say nervously but with a smile

you head over to the bleachers with Chad still keeping a hold of you in one way or another. You hated to admit it but you strangely liked it. you were being man handled and he’s a guy but…you don’t know… maybe it was because you’ve never been held so possessively before. Wait, you have-Your face falters slightly remembering how Rick has held you in a possessive or protective way before during some more dangerous parts of previous adventures. How lame is that, that the only human touch you can relate to is your f*cking alcoholic grandfather. But why were you comparing that to Brad?! You liked how Brad did it. Gah- you needed to think about something else before you blow your cover or something!

You watched cheer practice and cheered on the girls. You had a really good time. You wondered how Jessica was doing in your body, but I knew she was probably fine. You tried to stay focused on cheer practice and thoughts of Jessica, and for the most part you were successful. But as Brad’s hand snakes around your waist and whispered sweet nothings into your neck you found yourself blushing and your heart racing from the actions.

Worse still, images of Rick breathing down your neck. Flashing memories of a time when you were both hiding out waiting for a dangerous alien thing to pass by, closely together behind some industrial beams of a sci-fy type warehouse. The lights flicker and your heart is racing in fear, Rick glances down at you and whispers for you to shut up, the heat of his breath down your neck as he said it.

You aren’t sure how you manage to get through the conflicting memories of Rick as Brad’s holding you. And you don’t know how to process why you’d imagine Rick at all during this. You try to reason with it, but it all sounds pretty pathetic.

Cheer practice was ending and you used this as an excuse to remove yourself from Brad. Happily bouncing over to the girls to congratulate them on everything and to chat. Your mood quickly became positive once again being around them, around your friends. Or you suppose, around Jessica’s friends. It was nice, you didn’t need to speak and still felt a part of the conversation.

The day went by too fast and soon it was time to go home. you were kind of disappointed as you headed home…or you guess to Jessica’s home. But when you entered her house you were greeted by a loving functional family. They were so healthy and nice. We had an actual family dinner with no arguing or belittling. you were so happy you couldn’t believe this. Jessica sure does have an amazing family and life. You were starting to get a little jealous.

Going into her bedroom full of girly things you threw yourself onto the bed in a girly squeal of happiness, hugging one of her plushies. Today’s been the best day of your life! As Jessica…

Despite some of the uncomfortableness with Brad, the day was pretty great. And even then you liked how he touched you, as perverted as that was.

You couldn’t sleep. You had to stay up. How often will you ever get the opportunity to be like this ever again? You looked at yourself in a mirror and really took it in. You loved Jessica…but you felt…felt more yourself than ever before. you don’t know how to explain it. you felt whole. You ran your hand along yourself in the mirror with an admiring smile, you could see some sadness behind your eyes. This would all be over in a few hours…

You took full advantage of this, tried on all of Jessica’s clothes. Every one. In every combination, even if they didn’t work together. You liked the way the clothes felt and looked on you. You loved how you looked. you loved how people treated you in this body.

Twirling with a giggle in the mirror wearing a dress. This should be wrong but it felt so freeing. you put your hands over your mouth and just laughed. you were giddy beyond belief.

As the night waned on you eventually got into some pajamas and laid on her pink bed. Staring up at the ceiling in deep thought.

“I wish I could be this forever” you softly said aloud in the dim lit room, nothing but a cute little night light glowing. “I…I want to be this forever” you sighed happily, but with the underlining pain knowing it can’t be forever. And what is it you want? The respect? The popularity? The healthy relationships? Being a girl? Or the whole package? The thoughts swirl in your brain as you eventually close your eyes and drift into one of the most peaceful sleeps you’ve ever had…

**Time skip The next day**

blaring lights shine though the room and immediately you feel different. In a bad way. You blink and stretch and feel wrong, and look down to see you’re back in your normal body. In your normal room.

You should be relieved, right? This is right? Then why do you feel wrong? You shift uncomfortably and feel yourself down, the flat chest and boyish features bothering you more than ever before.

You come downstairs for breakfast miserably. Rick is there eating along with the others “back to normal eh morty?” “y-yeah” you say quietly with concern etched on your face as you sit down with your dysfunctional family.

Rick looks at you curiously with his face stuffed full of pancakes. you pick at your food and don’t have much appetite. Summer leans forward with a smirk “soooo, what did you do as Jessica?”

You felt your face heat up a little. While you knew Rick likely informed the others about it, especially since Jessica had to have been here in your body. It felt like an invasion of privacy to bring this up after the intense emotions you’ve had the last 24 hours with it.

“uh, um, it was fine” you mutter

Rick rolled his eyes at me “yeah, spare the gross details” he said rudely as he ate. “oh.. I-I didn’t do anything” you said. Honestly. you didn’t think of anything sexual, surprisingly. You must have been too focused on everything else, or maybe Jessica’s hormones played a role in it all. Rick and Summer didn’t seem to believe you though, Mom and dad didn’t seem to want to address this either.

“well I’m glad you’re back to yourself sweetie. Jessica was very nice though” Mom said with a weak smile. But you could tell there was some underlying judgement and disgust. She was probably assuming the worst just like everybody else.

You stay quiet and in deep thought as you eat. Not wanting to talk about it anymore.

The Morty Trap - Chapter 1 - Spring_Thirst_Trap (2024)


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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.