The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, MARCH 29, 1953 3C THE SPRINGFIELD SODALITY PLANS EASTER PARTY St. Michael's Group to Have Program April 6 The Married Ladies' Sodality of St. Alichael's Cathedral will sponsor an Easter card party in St. Michael's Hall, Elliot Monday night, April 6. 3.

Bridge, camasAnd whist will be in play and those making up tables are asked to take carde, Attractive table and door prizes will be awarded and refreshments will be served. Rev. Timothy J. Leary, spiritual director, will conduct A brief religious spryIce in St. Mchael's Cathedral at 7.30 after which members will go to the hall.

Fr. Leary is honorary chairman of arrangements for tha party, with Sra. Charles Connell serving chairman, and Mrs. John Shea, cochairman. Tickets will he in charge of MIA.

Richard Rochford. chairman; Mrs. David Hoar, Mra, John Shea, Mra. Florence Barelt, Drs. George Fox, Mrs.

Charles Sloan, Mrs. Charles Rougier and Mrs. Joseph Rowler. Special prizes are being arranged for by Mrs. John Conney, chairman; Mrs.

Francis Mahoney, cochairman; Ira. Gerald Brien, Mrs. Lawrence Kenney, Mrs. Thomas Ryan, Mrs. Jennie Cournoyer, Mrs.

Orrin Gildereleeve, Dra. John Kane and Drs. O. J. Patell.

Arranging for door prizes are Mrs. Whalen, Mrs. Vincent Bagnall, Eva Connors, Mra. Margaret Nallia Cornwell, Mrs. Ann Gagnier, Mrs.

Florence Monica, Mira. Betty Fitter, Mrs. William Neumann, Mra. Edward Talbot and Drs. Joseph Sloan.

Arranging for tallies and score pads are Mrs. Elizabeth Cullan, Mra, Charles Hegarty, Catherine Hogan and Mira. Mildred Devine. T. King heads the large refreshment committee, with Mrs.

James Driscoll serving. Ag cochairman. Their aids include Airs. T'eter Gray, Mrs. Arthur Cooney, Mrs.

AgDoyle, Airs. Theresa Feustal. Airs. Margaret Burns, Mrs. Edward Bisson, Mrs.

August Beucke, Mrs. John Cullinan, Mrs. Helen Coffey. Dire. Frances Brutnell.

Mrs. Dennis Daley, Mrs. Helen Farrell. Mrs. Josephina McCarthy, Mra.

Mary March, Mrs. Daniel Meaney, Mrs. Mary Pratt, Mrs. Michael Rowan. Ara.

Willian Christie. Mire Eliza both Lillis, Margaret Meehan and Mra. Rhea Duclos. The public in invited, and it is hoped that all membera of both sodalities of St. Michael's will attend as a pleasant evening is a saured.

CHICOPEE UNITARIAN GUILD TO MEET Mrs. Field to Be Hostess Friday Afternoon Chicopee Unitarian Guild Alliance will hold its April meeting Friday afternon at 2 in the home of Mrs. George A. Field of 425 Springfie'd Chicopee. The meeting will open with devotions led by Mre.

William F. Roetwick. A session will follow with Mrs. Harry Mr. Gilbert preaiding.

Guest speaker he Mica Catherine Austin, director of Chicopee Community Nursing Ass0ciation. Final plans for the annual lunchcon and business meeting of the Guild, scheduled for Friday. May 15, will he discussed and reservations taken by any of the following committee on arrangements: Mrs. Nelson R. Carter, chairman: Mrs.

A. Linton Rausman, cochairman; Mrs. Earle Daniels. Mrs. C.

Morse and Mrs. William Hitter. Following the program tea will be served under the direction of the hostess, assisted hy Mrs. Herbert R. Bridgman, Mrs.

Ir. Allen Lorimer and Miss Emily K. Wond. For you seeking the unusual in good taste Nettie Rosentein's suits $135 and more flenergs NO. 18 VERNON ST.

Cochairman of Dames Francises Meeting MRS. WILLIAM E. CURRAN Sung at Meeting in Holyoke DAMES FRANCAISES BANQUET IS APRIL 15 Musical Program to Be Le Cerele des Dames Francises will hold its April meeting Monday night, the 6th. at liotel Roger Smith. Holyoke.

Dinner will be served at 6.30 after which the 3 capela choir lot Holyoke will sing, "The Seven Last Words of Christ," Dubois. William F. Holdridge, director of music in the Holyoke public schools, will direct the choir of 33 voices. Mrs. George B.

Scully of Holyoke is chairman of a Arrangements for the meeting. Mrs. William FC. Curran of West Springfield is serving as cochairman. Reservations may be made with any of the following members: Mrs.

Allen Landry of Fast Longmeadow, Mrs. Virgil Blakely. Mrs. Herve Charros, Mildred Gaudette, Miss Claire Hils, Mrs. Edward T.

Esperance. Mrs. Dominique Martin, Miss Marguerite Perron and Mrs. George Vadnais of this city: Airs. Eugene Boudreau of West Springfield.

Mrs. Euclide Desrochers of Aldenville. Also, Mrs. Nicholas Baker, Mrs. Telesphore Bourassa, Miss Lucille Coderre, Mrs.

Michael J. Donohue, Mrs. Camille Ducharme, Mrs. Arthur Lafleur, Horace Mothe. Mrs.

Leo Pin and Mrs. Leo J. Simard of Holyoke; Mrs. G-OrgA Kenoit of South Hadley, and Mrs. Henri Allain of Mrs.

(ieorxe St. Pierre. of is handling publicity. Lodge Event Monday Night PAST NOBLE GRANDS PLAN CARD PARTY Morning Star Rebekah The Past Noble Grands Club of Morning Star Rebekah lodge will sponsor a public card party tomorrow night in Odd Fellows Hall. Main and Park West Springfield.

Play will begin promptly AL under the direction of Mrs. Christine Renedict, club president. Progressiva whist will he in play, tables available for bridge and canasta. Score and door prizes will be awarded and there will also he other spAcial prize awards. will be served following play.

The club is planning to make this card, party an have annual been event. completed And 10 Accommodate A. large group tor this initial affair. Past noble grants assisting on the SNACK BAR STOOL 30 inches high. wide and handcoma in wrought iron and cuchiony FOAM rubber and Russel Wright tweed tabric without hock.) 9" with back 12.95 Chortreuse Gray Cocoa WROUGHT IN 5.

IRON LEGS LENGTHS For Stools, Benches, Coffee co*cktail Tables, Desks, Bookcase Bases, Etc. HEIGHT PER SET 1. $3.45 $4.45. $4.95 $7.95 HODOR fine furniture Corner Worthington Chestnut Sta, Open daily Sat. 'til 5:30 Thurs.

to EYE CARE Nothing you buy gives you so much, yet costs you so little FOR RELIABLE EYESIGHT INFORMATION SEE "Harves cO Guild Opticians 1503 MAIN ST. SPRING FIELD, MASS. Will Be Installed As Worthy Matron DISS N. SHIRLEY TURNER Committee of arrangements are Mrs. Alvira Dow, Mrs.

Jennia Chandler, Mrs. Edna Beger, Mrs. Clark Long, Mrs. Gladys Scott. Mrs.

Ethel l'omeroy, Mrs. Alice Crowell, Mira. Grace Wiggins, Mrs. Nellie Keith, Mrs. Jessie Downie, Mrs.

Nina Clandinenz. Mrs. Rachael Gould and Mrs. Rose Harrington. WOMEN'S LEAGUE TO HEAR SPEAKER Mrs.

Clifton Johnson Will Describe Travels Mrs. Clifton Johnson will he the speaker at the guest night program to be sponsored hy the Women's League of First Presbyterian Church Wednesday night at 8 in the social hall of the church. Dre. Johnson is seasoned traveler. the mother of Capt Irving Johnson of Yankee Clipper fame.

She will tall of some of her experiences of last year an address entitled. "Grandma flies around." Anyone is invited desirinx to to Attend, hear Johnson take one or mole guests, The program will he followed by A silver tea. 'I'le Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, East Longmeadow, will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2 in the home of Mrs. Caroline Olsen of 34 Hiawatha St, city.

Miss Sheila Lynch has arrived from Collexe, Saratoga Springs, N. to. apend the Faster with her parenta, Mr. and Arg. H.

Francis Lynch of Tatham Hill, Test Springfield. ADELPHI CHAPTER, OES TO INSTALL Dinner to Precede Ceremony Thursday, April 9 Adelphi Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will hold installation of officers 'Thursday night, April 9, at 8, in Masonic Temple, State St. A business session at 5 will be tollowed by dinner at 0.15. Mra. Anne Wolfersheim, past matron, will be installing matron.

She will be assisted by Ralph Beaudry. past patron, Mrs. Dorothy H. past matron, and Mrs. Snyder, past anatron.

Mrs. Anna Buss will he organist, and Mrs. Katherine Hauser, past matron, Inist. Those taking part in the Star Point ceremony will be MIs. Christine Methven, matron, marshal; MisA I Hartwick.

past mAtron, Adah: Misa S. Maude Sanderpast matron, Ruth; Mrs. BerJones, past matron, Esther; Mrs. Martha Sanborn, past matron, Martha: Mra. Ethel Davis, past matron.

Electa. Officers to be installed are: Worthy matron, Allay Shirley Turner; worthy patron, Frank Reeder; associate Mrs. Kathleen agaociate patron, Warren B. tales: secretary. MIA.

Bertha A. past matron: treasurer. Mrs. Marion' A. Weake, past matron; conductress.

Dis. Ruth I. Cushing; associate vonductress, Mra. Margaret Mr. Reeder; chaplain.

Mrs. Frances (. Donovan: marshal, Mra. Martha J. Abbe: organist, Mrs.

Jessie A. Downie. Adah. Mrs. Georgia Ruth, Mrs.

Artilla McCarl: Esther, Mrs. Anna W. Patten; Martha, Mr. Edith M. Blakesley; Mlecta, Mias Jillian A.

M. Bliss: warder, Mrs. Ante L. Strohman; sentinel. Richard S.

Cushing. The reception committee for the evening will be James Bigelow, past patron: Mrs. Abbe Fowler, Mrs. Maho! Tower, Miss Alta Perkins, matrons, and Miss Doris Stewart. Escorts for the Worthy P'atron will be Charles Field, Horace Weake.

l'ercy lutchingon, Edwin Partenheimer, Charles Hammond. Hector Lussier, past patrons: wood Ayles and George Richardson. Dining room hostesses will be Mra. Winifred Sanger and Mra, Angie Johnston. Dinner reservations mitat with SEra.

Blanche Field, paRt matron, of 46 Whittier by April T. EASTER PARTY AT COUNTRY CLUB Springfield Women to Conduct Children's Event Next Sunday The Women' Association of the Springfield Country Club will sponsor a children's Faster party next Sunday from 3.30 to 5.30 at the clubhouac. A program of gAmes, featuring an Faster egg hunt, has been of member's planned for children. the tertainment Walter J. Sattler heads the Airs.

Chairman of Easter Party Next Sunday MRS. WALTER J. SATTIER Adult committee in charge of arrangementa. She is being assisted by board members: President, Mrs. Lionel Aselton; first vice-president, Ara.

Ralph Carter; second vicepresident, Sirs. Bernard Roberts; secretary, Mra. George Shakour; treasurer, Mrs. Frank Lucey; Mine Agnes Ferriter, Mra. William Roux, Mrs.

Allyn Winkler, Mra. Frank SwaYne, and Mrs. Felix Anziano. Junior hostesses Include the Misses Betsy Provencher, Judy Doering, Connie Dickinson, Virginia Reilly, Janice Merrill, Marilyn DoerCarolyn Doering and Peggy Doering. Miss Merrill will accommany several of Megliola the and games Leo at Me- the piano.

diavilla will be Raster bunnies, Assisting On the general committea are Richard Vlaaak, Filen Renher, Teddy Mundburg. Sally Frishie, Joe Megliola, Joan MY Brien, RORe (riggin and Gordon Anziano. DonAld Shakour and Frank Mediavilla will be in charge of the co*ke har. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE PLANS LUNCHEON Wachogue Church Group to Meet Wednesday Friendship Circle of Wachogue Community Church will hold its annual luncheon Wednesday morning at 11.30 in Trade High School cafeteria. Airs.

George Gleason is in charge of reservations. Innedlately following members will return to the church parlor whare election And Installation of officers for 1953-54 will take place. Menibers who have not turned in their Second Mile envelope may do RO at the meeting. Brigham's Committee Chairman For Rainbow Bazaar MRS. ERNEST E.

STANSFIELD LIBERTY CHURCH WSCS PLANS RAINBOW BAZAAR Annual Event On April 21, To Open With Card Party The Woman's ociety of Christian Service of Liberty Methodist Church, Carew and Liberty 14 planning its Annual Rainbow bazaar and which will be held in the vommunity hall of the churchy, open Tuesday, at 1.30 April with 21. A The dessert afcard party. An Italian style SPAghetti and neat ball supper will he served at 5.30 and 4.30. Numerous booths will he open throughout the day featuring handmade articles and homemade pastries and candies. Mrs.

Ernest E. Stansfield, presi-1 dent of the sociaty, la general chairman of arrangements, assisted by Ara. CArl Gran, cochairman, and group leaders. The card party at 1.30 will ho sponsored by Van Horn Group wi' Mrs. Catherine Cashman serving as chairman, The supper will be prepared and served by Victory Group with Mra, Arthur Burke, chairman, and Mrs.

Fred Alhano, supper chairman. Reservationa must he made on or hefore April 17 with MrA. Frie Johnson of 39 Parkin Mrs. Gran of 48 Hastings or Mrs. Anthony Piscioneri of 53 Stockman St.

Ticketa may also be obtained from ciety members before this date. The public is invited to attend any or all of the activities. Rainbow Group of the Women's Guild of Hope Congregational Church will hold meeting Wednesday night at 7.45 In thei home of Sirs. Walter Stewart of 46 "Empire" Blue calf with white piping on vamp and heel. Hi heel, also in red benedic.

tine calf to 10. "Inez" AAAA to B. Opera pump. Hi heel 15.95 and midway heel. 10, AAAA to 6, 14.95 9 spring blues a foot in pumps by Blue calf pump, white piped bow Laird Schober to and Also to in shaped 10, red hi AAAA 16.95 calf.

heel. -f The color for spring is blue the style for spring is the pump. New profiles for prettiness in pumps with delicately tapered toes and tapered heels, smooth supple calfskin with touches of white inserted with feminine artistry, airy pumps of nylon mesh, lightweight suede all so smartly designed for your spring wardrobe. Old Point St. The meeting will be conducted by the captain, Mrs.

Robert Flavell. Written reports will be read by the secretary, treasurer, chairman of the planning board an 1 chairman of the flower Mind, which officers will be Alected. A social and coffee hour will follow with Mrs. Axel Larson and Mrs. William Bishop in charge.

LODGE TO SPONSOR 1953 SPRING FAIR Melha Temple Site for April 7 Event Morning Star Rebekah Lodge will sponsor its annual spring fair Tuesday afternoon and evening. 011 April 1, in Melha Temple, Worthington Mrs. Betty Wenne-sy has been nAmed general chairman of the conmittee completing plans. The affair will open at 2 with a public card party. Supper will be served at 8.30, followed by a regular meeting of the lodge At 7.15, and an entertainment program.

Mrs. Bratrice Newton and Mrs. Gertrude Jacques will be in charge of the card party. Tea will be served following play. Several booths will ba arranged around the hall where A varied se(lection of homemade articles homecooked foods auld candles may be purchased.

There also he A. parcel post table, white elephant and will supervise the gAlA of plants. plant tables. Mrs. a Ruth Littleton Supper reservations may he made with Mr.

Nina Clendineng or Mrs. Helen Moore. Mrs. Julia V. Cowles, noble grand, will preside at the business session.

Mrs. Dora Goldman and Mra. Rose Applebaum are cochairmen in charge of arrangements for the annual Passover bridge to be held In the vestry of Congregational Song of Israel Synagog, 1321 Dwight Thursday night a.t 8. Table and A. door prize will he awarded and refreshments will ba served.

The public is invited. TALK ON THEATER FOR DAR CHAPTER Mrs. D. B. Whitehouse to Spcak at Mccling A Mrs.

Doris Bramson Whitehouse of Boston will discuss, "Today's Theater and Personalities of Yestoryear," at the April meeting of Mercy Warren Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Monday afternoon, the 61h, at 2, in the Springfield Women's Club House, Spring St. coffee, hour will cede the meeting with members of Martha Washington Club serving AN hostesses. Mr a. Whitehouse, well-known teacher and lecturer, was educated a school for "Children of Theater," in Boston, and Ag the child actress, Doris Bramson appeared with such stars as John Craig. Alfred Lunt, Joseph Jefferson, Sarah Bernhardt, Maude Adams And many others.

Following her marriage, she continued in her profession director of amateur productions schools, colleges, cluba and churchas. Because she evidenced such in the understanding of plays and players, she WA persuaded to broaden her field to include the lecture platform. 3ra. Whitehouse hag bean heard in Maine. Now Hampshire, Connecticut, New York.

Fastern and Western Massachusetts, and this year has accept engagements in Virzinia. She knows her theater both as an actress and A director and manifests en unusual ability to portray charActers. Her accurate knowledge and outstanding sense of humor promise an unusually Interesting program. Mine Judith Railey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Albert F. Ballay Colton a Rtudent. at Radcliffe Collega, 1 spending the spring recess with A classmate, Miss April Hodges of Now York Idity. Brigham's Swinging into Spring With A Brigham Charge Account Our Charga- Plate saves you precious time establishes your identity and credit in a flash. When you open a Brigham charge account we know you personally and we send you special announcements- -fill your phone orders a bit more easily.

You, too, may like to be identified with a store light Brigham's. FILL MAIL and a Charge Account is yours to use as soon as it is opened. Brigham's, 1365 Main Street, Springfield, Mass. "I Wish To Open A Brigham Charge Account." NAME STREET CITY Please P'rint I Have Accounts in the Following Stores: "Vista" Blue nylon mesh and suede pump, hi and midway heel. Also In black, to 10 AAA to 189 "Dork" Blue self pump with white piped vamp, shaped midway heel.

10. AAAA to Also in red dictine. 1: SIGNATURE.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

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