Baton Rouge Tri-Weekly Gazette and Comet from Baton Rouge, Louisiana (2024)

i i SOUTHERN The Steam PasRS. In the course blade and ornamented by embossed Jcst So. The Cincinnati Enquirer THE EAZETTE COMET. 10, 18C0. Value of the Union.

Each and all of those who glory in their hostile disregarded for the preservation of the Union ought to be sentenced to a twelve month's tour through foreign countries, especially through the monarchical States of the European Continent. Having returned home perfectly cured, as may be expected, of their disunion rabid-ness, they will be able to enlighten their former party associates on certain points which these do not seem to be fully acquainted with. How does it happen that citizens of the North, Americans of all the States, in spite of their Republican creed, may travel from one end of Europe to the other without being molested and annoyed by the suspecting treasou-scouting police that tbey may venture into the very dens of the lions that they may stand unscathed amidst the lava fires of bursting revolutions? What is it that secures our countrymen everywhere a peculiar regard in gets off the following Two co*ckneys from Canada, with the usual weak-at-the-knees indications, and sprawling feet coming down hard on the beef, were looking at the splendid suite of rooms prepared for the Prince cf Wales at the Burnet House. Meeting chambermaid, one of the Queen's English, said to her Hi hexpect that the l'nnce will hopen his hie when he comes We." Chambermaid "Well no, 1 guess not." Englishman "Well, if 'e is not hastonished 'ere will 'e he CJtambermaid "When Le pays his bill at the office." As the visitor came up, the demo crats of the crowct not having the fear of royalty before their eyes cried "There they come "How are you Wales 1" "IIow'i your ma Such things should be duly denounced by the Jenkinses of the northern press. It is a dead insult to all the Potiphars, Flora McFlimseys, and millionaire Joseph Surfaces.

Telegraph Suit Award. It is stated in the case F. O. J. Smith vs.

Professor Morse, beard in Boston last week, the referees have awar ded to Mr. Smith five-sixteenths of the 400,000 francs paid and to be paid to Professor Morse by the French and European governments for the use of the Morse telegraph; the award subject to the propor tional part of Professor Morse expenditure in obtaining the government grants. In-House Burnt. The cin- house of Dr. Joseph Dunbar, of Tensas parish, was burnt one night last week.

A large lot of new cotton was destroyed. The Havana Rooue. The Key West correspondent of the Charles ton Mercury, writing on the 2Gth, Bays of the Havana absconding fi nancier The whereabouts, if on the island, of the runaway rogue from Havana, with a million and over of dollars, is still uuknown, as the persons sent in pursuit are still here. Of course, it is well understood that tbey can have no legal power to compel his return, but the absconding and magnificent financier is wary of trusting himself in public, and thus far preserves bis Bolitude from vulgar observation. t-3Th8 Hon.

Ersstns Brooks, eiitorof the New York Express, says in a recent issue "We have, in many wars, and at many times, cxp'Cssed oar ooimon strongly in praise of American mechanical art and a recent visit to the extensive piano matin- factory of Horatio Worcester, has strength ened that opinion, and wo are well con ceived, that, in the construction of these beautiful instruments, we Americans are rivalling, if not excelling, Europeans. The Philharmonic Society, the most scien tific musical association in tbis country use Worcester's piano at their grand concerts. We have one in constant use for the last fourteen years, and find no dirai nntion in clearness or STreetne of tone They are said to stand every climate, and are daily being exported to the West In dies, Canada, the tar West, and South. The factory has been newly fitted np in the neatest manner, and ladies visiting it will find every facility for making their selections. Ixdioo.

In former times the eultiva ti on of this article was very profitable in Louisiana; and a little over half a century ago, every person who had five or six bands, were engaged in its culture. generally commanded from $1 00 to (1 50 per n. The land on which Franklin now stands was cultivated in indiro, by a man by the name of Guenard. One season, with si hands, be made 15 barrels, or lbs, which was considered an extraordinary crop. The business of indigo Raising is very troublesome, and the plant becomes subject to disease.

The price of indigo having fell ao very low was the prime cause of its total abandonment for that of the cultivation of cotton. This occurred a few years prior to the purchase of Louis isana; and at the same time the culture of cotton was commenced in the Attakapas, sugar was commenced on the Mississippi. Cotton was abandoned about forty years ago, since which time the cultivation of the sugar cane has occupied almost the exclusive attention of agriculturists. St. Mary is now the largnst sugar growing parish in the State.

The crop of '59 was over hogsheads of one thousand pounds each. 1'lantert1 JJauntr. Daxgirocs Somnambulism in a Sleep-rsn Cab. A passenger on the Lake thore railroad, a few nights since, while in a somnambulic trance, rone from his couch in the sleeping car, and with his eyes open, started for the door tho conductor, who thongh him awake, very kindly making room for him. The pawicngor didn't return, and the conductor went to look for him and found him missing.

He sent back a handcar and picked him up, not much injured, but frightfully mad. He had walked off the platform sound asleep, and when he awoke found himself skipping and twirling head over Leels on the gravel road bed. Ths Hcll of the Elgix. That portiou of the ill-fated Lady Elgin, which was not shattered to pieces by the collision with tlie Augusta, is now riding at anchor opposite Wi-netka. This is that portion of the hufl forward of the wheel, and which is held to its place by the anchors attached to the chain cables, which fell overboard when she first went down.

work. The handle was fretted with curious workmanship and adorned with stones. His passport was1 made for him in the Secretary of State's office in the State of Louisiana and the great seal of the same was stamped on it. Under that document Carlos B. ought to Lave Lad the right to appear on the principle parade ground and the 1 chief Boulevards, as one of the fighting grade, in high rank.

How was it Tell it not in Ascalon, and believe it in Gath, as you like. He went to Paris, and they would not allow him, the innocent pleasure of wearing the things Le Lad made, and paid for in this'great country of more extended liberty. The Gen tTArms of the Emperor, bad beard some talk of a small province, in America, called Louisiana, but did not know the Governor's name, under whose authority Le Lad been spurred as one of the army. Would a mere Corporal ia the regular service of Uncle Sam, Lave been treated in this manner? Let these bull-headed, white-livered gentry who would dissolve the Union, answer the question. Marry Early.

At the com mencement of the Reform Medical College, an oration to the grad uates was delived by Col. O. A. Lo chrane. The following concluding remarks are applicable to all classes of young men As a means of resisting the temptation of youth, I would only repeat a long entertained conviction that young men should mary early in life, and commence its cares with some loving heart to learn upon, and the inspiration of some scft, voice to oerve him for the conflict of care into which he enters.

Let her be no painted butterfly to lead him along the path of pleasure; but let kindness warm her heart, affection beam in her eye, truth cling to her lira, and above all, her intelligence be linked with religious conviction. With her life's darkest hours will brighten with hope, its worst fortunes be met with courage. She will bring heaven to earth to cheer you with its promises, and even though her tears will rise a bow of happiness to span your future, and betoken a brighter to-morrow for your fortunes. POWKR OF THE MOON AT NlOCT. Mr.

in his letter from the East, has observed "The effect of the moonlight on the eyes in this country (Egypt) is singular injurous. The natives tell you, as 1 afterwards found they did in Arabia, to always cover your eyes when you sleep in the open air. It is rather stsange that the passage in the Psalms 'the sun shall not smite thee by day nor moon by night' should have thus been illustrated' as the allusion seems to direct. The moon here really strikes and effects the sight, when you are exposed to it, much more than the sun, a fact of which I had a very unpleasant proof one night, and took care to guard against afterwards. Indeed, the sight of a persons who should sleep with his face exposed at night, soon be impaired or utterly destroyed." "Twenty-Three Bales to the ITand.w Our townsman, Dr.

Berry, who has recently been on a trip to the great cotton region of Louisiana, has placed on our table two packages of cotton, obtained at the gin house of a gentleman who last year gathered "twenty-three bales to the hand," and this year will gather as much if not more. One of the packages represents the cotton as carried to the gin the other, after it had been ginned, and made ready for the press. Any one who will examine these samples, and compare them with the cotton made in this part of Mississippi, will readily appreciate the great difference between picking and gathering cotton, and will cease to wonder at the complaints which reach us from Manchester, as to dirty and trashy cotton. Hinds county Miss.) Gazette. A Maw Over Niagara Falls Probable Suicide.

The Rochester Democrat learns that the body of a man, a German, was found near the Ferry Landing, on the American side, at Niagara Falls, on Monday evening. It was identified as the body of a German who was married some two or three weeks ago, and quarreled with Lis wife a few days after, aid threatened to kill Limself. His arms and legs were bruised and broken, and it is supposed be pasbed over the American Falls. of an eloquent address, Dr. Fuller said: Who can measure the power of the press An ounce of lead, moulded into a bullet, and put into a Minnie rifle, with a few grains of powder be- leath it, will do its errand sufficient ly upon a man two miles distant, if it encounter ao obstacle but that ounco of lead made into types, and put into one of Hoe Iichtning print ing-presses, will g) thousands of miles and do its errand effectively, not on one man, merely, but on millions, and that though oceans, vers, and moun tains might intervene.

A steam printing-press Did you ever go down into one of the.spacious vaults beneath your sidewalks and watch the minsters 7 I feci something like awe in looking at them. I feel like tak ing off my hat to the huge machine. It seems to me lite one of Ezekiel's living creatures, with the hand of a man, and the sound many waters, and the spirit of the living creature in the wheels. It asks no nourishment, knows no weariness, How it strips itself to its work, and toils on with a strength that mocks to scorn the might of the giant, and with a clamour as if it would shiver to pieces every substance within its grasp. And vet with a delicacy and precision unattainable by human muscles, it receives a fabric so delicate that a rude touch would rend it, and imprints npon it ia the twinkling of an eye that which costs hours to compose.

It flings off sheet after sheet to entertain, instructiflfegener- ate and bless the earth. None of us have yet begun to appreciate the in fluence of the press as an agent for the diffusion ofk nowlede, whether it be in volumes, pamphlets, or above all, through the daily moral institution which has revolutionized not only the literary, but the moral and political world. It would be an unheard cf delinquency, did not the church of God employ this mighty agency. of the I'iamond 111 chine. It is generally known, says tlie Sacramento Union, that a party of gent'emen have experimenting lor some months past in diamond ma king, and for said purpose have caused to be put together some sort of ma chinery of sorne kind peculiar to the vocation, we know not what.

At any rate, it i of iron, and is bolted and riveuMi togetner aoout as strong as mechanics make such thinfrs. On Wednesday, about noon, as I. Underwood experimenting with his pet, whicnTR to make diamond: as cheap as pebblesathe tiling blew up, and the experimenter barely escaped with his life. We understand that the power xA the explosive gas was so great as to tear asunder solid iron three-fourth of an inch thick, as readily as one would tear up wet pa per. The Prince in Cincinnati.

Baron Renfrew and suite arrived in Cincinnati on the 25th. A ball in honor of the young gentleman was given in the evening, which is spoken of as a grand affair. tT Tlie fabulous Unicorn has been found by a traveler. lie says it exists in the interior of the Thibet in India, where it is well known to the inhabitants. It is the sama as the Unicorn of Scriptures, and is mentioned by ancient writers.

It is said to be about the size of the horse, and extremely wild. It is seldom ever caught. They have a horn projecting out from their forehead. Th-y go in herds, and are to be nwt with on the borders of the Great Desert. JThe Presid-nt has appointed J.

J. Sprengle, of Pennsylvania, Consul to Venice, vice Sanniento resigned; Jno. A. Parker, Virginia, Consul to Honolulu, vice declined C. Richmond, of Michigan, Consul to Lahames, vioe Chandler, recalled and Wm.

C. Ilurchard, of New York, Consul to Cunayauga and Tegucigalpa in Honduras. The ArVATA.B of a Broke Heaet. It is a luxury and an advantage to be broken hearted. It is an excuse for all kinds of dissipation and not paying your tailor's bills.

It excites the sympathy of young ladies in no small degree. hen tl.ccon turns upon esthetical subjects, to heave a lor. sigh, as though your bellows was out of order, and to say that in your heirt-urn tho ashes of roses alono remain, from which no pho nix can arise savo that principle of universal love whose foundation ia in churity to all of man and half of womankind to do that thing excites interest. Sv At a recent festive meeting, a married man who oujzht to have known better, pre posed 'The ladies," as "the beings who divided our sorrows, double our joys and treble our expenses." TopriATio: of Boston. The census of boston exhibits a total population of 7,902 increase since 1850, Offieesf thsBeotbernMutusJInauraceCo- of Baton Rouge.

nt sor.foimlty with the nqflnmii of tholr Charts-, the SmtiJum Mutual Intmnmet Cvmpanj poDiuio in Knowing statement Amount of premiums received from February lit, 18ia to February 1st, 1S0, $75,433,63 as follows: Premiums on Fir. Kinks, 1776 8T Marina 13,018 to River MM 10 $75,431 3 Premiums on sntermlnatej Klflkl fab. roar? 1st, (40,143 28 St Lass premiums ea Risks not terminated 43 Hattsarned premtamsfor the ysar end ing 1st Feb. 1S60 C6fifa ST teaapaid during thmmrftrtdt -so Losssa uaaarn so." Oa Tire 110,747 34 Mario kisks 94 River 60 Expenses daring year as above 7,371 74 $25,452 69 ITctt mrwA fnr tt year mdinf ietntary lrt.iseo The Company have the followlngasaets Bills receivable, fbr premiums Bills receivable, for balance dne oa Stock Notes 170,041 St Cash balance on hand 109,20 16 Total Assets (Signed) 4H WM. 8.

F. E. niDERT, Sec'y. Baton Koege, February Srd, IS 60, STATE OF LOUISIANA Pasism or I Batos Roues, Feb. 1st, 1CC.

AV KimArni Tbat on this first dav of Feb ruary, before me the subscriber, a justice, of tbe aee In and for the pariah aforesaid, prson- ally appeared Wm. 8. Hike, President, and F. K. Ilehart, Secretary ol I Be southern Mutual inra-rance Company of Baton Ronve, who being duly worn according to lav, do depose and say tbat the above accounts are just aud true, and a tran script for the books ef said Company.

isiitnedj vt ja. B. at, i-resioenw F. B. limutxT, Secretary.

Sworn to and subscribed before mm, this Srst day of February, lsou. (Bigneuj P. A. WALKER, Justice of the fence. Monthern Mwtaal Insouranee) Company of Baton Kanaje.

ImarporaUd by Act of LegiMatvn Lottuiana. Apprtntd, March 13, Authorized Capital, lilt 9300,000 00. THE INSURANCE COMPANY, are now prepared lo Uke flHh, MAKlSE, HI VbR DiaxcToas: James Brown, John 11 Kleinpeter, Penniston, Duraide, McHattoa uroti Eonnecaie, Andrew Matta, Jow-ph Largmer, Wm Tunnard, Wm Pike. tsbstiis Conrad, Sosthene Allain, Wra Walker, Jesse Hart, Chas A Black, 8 (i Layco*ck, Jos 8 Williams, Phillips, John Devalcourt, Wm Murk ham, 1) Eifliardson, 5 8 Hart, Henry Gibbon, jL Jiougherty, Daniel D. Avery.

WILLIAM 8. PIhl, Presidont. F. E. Hibxbt, Sec'Vf jiaton Kouge, Jan.

22,1357. PICTURE Fit AM ES, PLAIN ORNAMENTAL GILT, R09KWOOD AND JAPANESE MOULDINGS. DIRKCT from the manufactory, which I wl sail at New Orleans prices. OHAVINGS, LiTH.Hi KAPHS, PAINT1NOS, Ac, Framed to order. WHITE FRENCH GLASS for ENORAVINOS ON AS frota KX10 Uf 34X4S.

LINlKI.NO GLASS PLATES Cut and framed to order. C. i. Main utraet, opposite on tan A Malta's. janlH-Sm-dAw.

ACAItD- HAV1NO opened anew, tbe store formerly occupied by my deceased father, I take pleasure la informing his old friends and patrons snd tbe public generally, that I am now prepared to supply them with any article of Family Groceries and Plantation supplies, they may desire, at the most advantageous terms. Hoping to receive a liberal share of public patronage, I remain Respectfully, MICHAEL PltENDEROAST. I. AD IKS RIDING HATS. I HAVE just opened a beautifnl assortment of 1hese irods i all colors, something entirely new aogW W.

D. PHILLIPS. AT REDUCED PRICES. TO MAKE room for a larire aad estensive assortment of the latent ptTles of fashion of ALL PAPftlt. 1 have red need the prices of my entire stock now on hsnd, call and examine.

norU B. A. RACIIMAN -TOHJI ASDOATS- Harks now In store snd for sal at current prieea. julyH JOSHUA SEAL. WATEE large variety fer Amateurs, for sale by july21 Ed.

dc Wm. BOGEL. I sCONtl TIIK FLAT HO AT LASDIXG! A pounds Bacon Shoulders oooo noun Is Clear Sider iloOO pounJa Plain llama, forfrile low for cash, by REAL at PATTKKsoN. junelj INDIA PALE ALE. are Sole Agents for Deet jen's Celebrated India Pale Aie.

juneli. THE BEST SYRUPS IX TOWN I supply of LEMOtf, PIN APPLE STKAWBkKKT. KOOHBERRY, ORllEAT RAdBEKKx and GINGER manufactured and for sale at V. UEUliK A juneri Drug Store. HARNESS COLLARS Anew aew suptily of cart-machinery, cart-saddles, hog skin co'lars at LAEGCINE LANOCE'S JIUSQUITO NETTIMa.

LINEN, white and brown, bobinet, cotton, just received, at the uajS PEOPLES STORE. "THE LORD hath created midleines oat lb earth and be that ia wise will not abbor tbrm. BW. FRESH enpply of Congreas, Seltser and Artesian Water just received be iMjll KD.iwM.BrSJKL. NOW IS THE TIME.

TO MAKE room for my nw fall stock, I will offer from this date tie remaining part of my apiendid and well eelctd assortment Watches, Jewelry. Clocks, Pianos and Cutlery, rt greatly reduced prices. Ad theje In searcst of a aood bargain a ll please call on THEODORE UOLDMANN, iune2Q Watchmaker aad Jeweller. Th htKSS AND THE ARMr IK Spain. A letter from Madrid gives the detaijs of a transaction that proves Low strcSng an animosity exist between tlie press and the Spanish army Some (soldiers of the Bourbon regiment wcjre recently punished, and so that their sufferings terminated death.

The Liberal paper, La Discussion, directed attention to the severe and illegal punishment the men had undergone and, as a reply to the article, the editor, M. Ilivief-a, who is also a member of the Cortes, received a challenge from the colonel of the regiment, lie could not, Le lid, allow a civilian to make any comments on the conduct of military tnetj. The duel took place and as the colonel is an expert shot, while M. Rivieira has no skill in the use of the pistol, the latter was dangerously wounded. After the duel, another officer, ol.

Almelia, came forward avowed jiimself the author of the article in Question, reasserted the truth of the tjtatement, and, in Lis turn, challenged the colonel of the Bour-ln recipient but the authorities interfered nd prevented tlie duel. The IIobile and Ohio Railroad. We are jIad to learn from Col. ffm. L.

Dunri, the President of the Mobile and Northern Railroad Company, who has just returned from New York, that his K'f't to that city on business cf the cbmpany resulted most satisfactorily! and beneficially to all who are interested in this important enterprise. All the bonds that were offered were; taken at par, and the fact is assured that the company can realize at pleasure the capital to complete the road according to the original design of the jompany, that is, in time to transport; the crop of 1861. This work docile, Mobile by tlie energy and voluntary assumption of pecuniary burdensi of her citizens will have accomplished the most important railroad connections necessary to her future commercial eminence. Indeed there wll be nothing in the wav of railroad jenterptise left unfinished with the exception of the line to connect the cit with New Orleans. That project, so long in embryo, and the subject jf so much talk and of speculative opinion as to it beneficial effects upon Nubile, still drags.

Mobile KegisiJ. I SrnvFr Smith. "When a discus sion took place among the clergy of St. Paul's, as to the expediency of surrounding the cathedral with a pavemeijt of blocks of woods," Smith said, "If the bishops would lay their Leads together, the tlnng would be done and this was so much unction. by the Bishop of London, that he was suspectea of having invented it.

"Many things were invented for him which bit never said, among them the story of Iandseer asking to paint him, and Lis replv, "Is thy servant a dog that he hould do this tiling This was in the newspapers, and Sidney Smith, meeting Landsecr in the Bark, said, "Ils ve you seen our little joke in the pape-s "Are you disposed to acknowledge it I Lave no objec "Mr. Ilogers told me that Smith re ceived imitations to dine with Whit- bread and some peer at the same time. lie accepted hitbread and wrote to the jter that he "was engaged to dine with the great fermentator in Chiswell street" But vuttinj Lis answers into me wrong covers, bis excuse to the peer went to the brewer and Elizabeth replied, "The great fcrmcntator is much obliged to Air. inuh for giving him the preference." He answered your ladyship's note, and kill myself on the spot" Shipwrecked Sailors at Savan- kaii. Tlie Savannah Republican, of the 1st, says The British bark Java arrived off Tybee, aad sailed for loloy, Satur day last Pilot boat Lamar took off and brou ght to the city, the mate and fifteen of the crew of the American ship Evelyn, before reported as found ered at ea, 2G0 miles northwest of Madeira.

The officers and crew were sent hom-i by the American Consul at They reported havinjr been kindly treated on board the Java. boring of the artesian well at Columbus Ohio, ceased last Sunday evening, alter a depth of 2750 iet iiavu been reached. The work men didn't come to water, but to the end of ihe appropriation of $3000 made by the Legislature. The question is, were the Artesians boring for water, or for the $3000. Will the Sugar Bowl Society lay hold Of it? the eyes of the people, and that hospitable reception which money alone cannot command Personal courage and prudence alone would certainly not exempt them from difficulties and annoyance on the part of the authori ties.

It is simply biB character as a citizen of the United States, which insures tl American traveler privale- ges and facilities conceded to no other nation, not even the British. The name of the Union is as inseparably associated with the idea of power in the minds of the rulers, as it is with liberty in the minds of the nations. The cereainty that their powerful Union would promptly redress any wrong inflicted, endows the American with that self-confidence and reliance proverbially known all over Europe. While the lonely star of of South Carolina is not perceptible to the dis tant eye, the one and thirty stars of the Union are shining with dazzling splendor on the political horizon of the world. bile the name of Mas sachusetts is a hard, unpronounceable word for Luropean tongues, the North American Union is a term fa miliar to, and revered by the last of the people.

Tear the stars and stripes assunder, and the spell is broken, the respect, the sympathies, and the admiration for the Americans is gone forever. In the estate of the European nation, confederacies eith er South or North, if there were any vitality at all in them, would not rank higher than Mexico, and the dismembered States themselves would be at par with Nicaragua or Costa Rica. Memphis Eagle and Enquirer. We have an apt illustration of the point, which the Eagle is driving at, and of which we can speak from the book, the case (which was a very Lard one) Laving occurred right here at Lome. It is a case too of which we can speak with some warmth of feeling, if not eloquently; because, it touches the person of an old friend, with whom in the days bygone, we have often strutted and fretted upon the stage-Col.

Carlos B. was born at sea, in a voyage from La Belle France, to this country. As Lis parents were both from that vine clad country, and as the Lour of Lis nativity came before the vessel was half way here; of course naturally enough, his proclivities were always to the point from which Le started; which as we think was Bordeaux. When Carlos got well to lo, in the world as he very soon did by energy and economy, Le turned Lis face towards France. However we get in advance of tho story which is no 6tory but the naked truth.

With Lis wealth, came honors and distinctions; they being as nearly allied in this as any other country. He was appointed by one of the late Governors of the State to the responsible office of Colonel in Lis staff. The place is one of Lonor only. There is no salary and no provision of law even to uniform the Staff, bo it is allowed the privilege of doing as it likes on this point. Our friend had quite a military bearing was fond of the pomp and circ*mstance of war could sing La Martdlaue, and whistle Yankee Doodle.

When he had fully made up his mind to go, he gave Lis measure to a tailor for full Colonel's uniform, embracing, all the flip-flaps and Btraps he got himself the tallest co*ck's feather, that ever grew in the tail of that noble animal, and upon Lis sword (rumor says 6o) Le lavished three hundred ducats of gold. lie had bis name elegantly pricked ia tie.

Baton Rouge Tri-Weekly Gazette and Comet from Baton Rouge, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.