How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (+ Tips for Learning) (2024)

Written by Coursera Staff • Updated on

The amount of time it takes to learn Python will depend on your goals. Read on for tips on how to maximize your learning.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (+ Tips for Learning) (1)

In general, it takes around two to six months to learn the fundamentals of Python. But you can learn enough to write your first short program in a matter of minutes. Developing mastery of Python’s vast array of libraries can take months or years.

How long it takes you to learn Python will depend on several factors, including how much Python you need to know to achieve your desired goal. If you want to learn enough Python to automate a specific task at work, for example, you can likely achieve that more quickly than if you wanted to learn enough Python to get a job as a data analyst. Here are some other factors that can influence how quickly you pick up Python:

  • Previous programming experience: If you’ve written code before, you may find that you pick up Python more quickly.

  • Learning method: Well-structured courses in line with your goals can sometimes accelerate your learning.

  • Time devoted to learning: How much time can you devote to learning and practicing Python? Generally, it’s a good idea to commit a little time every day.

Start advancing your Python skills today

Ready to build your Python skills? Start by exploring the University of Michigan's Python for Everybody Specialization. Enroll in the first course (out of five) called Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) to get an overview.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (+ Tips for Learning) (2)

How long does it take to learn basic Python?

It’s possible to learn the basics of Python in two to six months, though this could be much more or much less, depending on how much time you dedicate to learning. The Python for Everybody Specialization on Coursera, for example, typically takes about four months to complete if you’re spending six hours per week on the courses. If you can dedicate more time, let’s say two hours per day, you could complete the Specialization in two months.

In this and many other introductory courses, you might expect to learn the following foundational syntax and elements of Python:

Once you’ve built a foundational knowledge of Python, you can begin progressing your programming skills toward your own unique goals, whether it be a job as a data analyst or application developer or the ability to automate tasks at work.

You can learn Python in eight months or less with this comprehensive course:

How long does it take to master Python?

This depends on what mastery means to you.

There are some 15.7 million Python developers in the world, according to Statista [1]. With so many people working on this open-source software, it’s always evolving to include new tools and capabilities. You’ll never know everything there is to know about Python, and that’s okay.

Python users have access to tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of libraries—sets of useful functions meant to make coding easier. TensorFlow, for example, can help streamline machine learning programs, while Pandas offers access to flexible and responsive data structures. This means that mastering Python is an ongoing process where you learn what you need to know as you need it.

Why learn Python?

Python is widely considered among the easiest programming languages for beginners to learn. If you’re interested in learning a programming language, Python is a good place to start. It’s also one of the most widely used.

The TIOBE Index for June 2021 lists Python as the second most popular language after C, and its popularity is growing [2]. As you learn, you can take advantage of the robust community of fellow learners and developers, as well as the job opportunities that come with knowing Python.

What can you do with Python?

Python is also very versatile. Since it’s a general-purpose language, Python can be used for a variety of tasks, including:

  • Statistical analysis

  • Data visualization

  • Machine learning

  • Task automation or scripting

  • Web and software development

Learn more: Python or R for Data Analysis: Which Should I Learn?

Jobs that use Python

Python ranks among the world’s most popular programming languages in part because it’s used across a variety of industries and job roles. By learning to write Python, you can create opportunities for a variety of careers. Some job titles that use Python include:

  • Data analyst - $75,410

  • Backend developer - $97,995

  • Quality assurance engineer - $87,443

  • Operations automation engineer - $115,266

  • Python developer -$99,804

  • Full-stack developer - $94,798

  • Data engineer - $120,180

  • Data scientist - $146,455

  • Machine learning engineer - $109,044

*Salary data represents US average annual base pay from Glassdoor.

Read more: 4 Data Analyst Career Paths: Your Guide to Leveling Up

Tips for learning Python

While learning a technical skill like programming with Python may sound intimidating, it may not be as difficult as you think. Keep these tips to enhance your learning.

Code every day.

Python is a language, and just like any other language, repetition is key to learning it. Dedicate time every day—even if it’s just 15 minutes—to practice coding. Many online Python courses, including Python for Everybody, are broken up into short video lectures, quizzes, and coding practice exercises. This type of structure can make it easier to find time to learn in your life.

It may also help you learn more efficiently. Learning in small chunks, a technique known as microlearning, improves retention and engagement.

Start with the fundamentals.

No matter how you plan to use Python in the future, you’ll want to start with the same set of fundamentals. Learning the basics first will set you up for success when you go on to tackle more complex uses. Whether you’re learning on your own or through a course, be sure to cover the fundamentals listed above (See “How long does it take to learn basic Python?”).

Focus on logic over syntax.

Understanding the how and the why of your lines of code in Python is more important than memorizing the syntax.

Remembering to close your parentheses or include a colon before an indent will come with repetition. Plus, you can always look up how to structure your code on Google or Stack Overflow (an online community for programmers). But you’ll need to understand the logic of what you’re trying to accomplish.

As you’re working through Python coding problems, you may find it helpful to handwrite an outline of what your code needs to do without worrying about syntax. This is called pseudocode—a technique even experienced Python programmers use to plan out their programs.

Practice your Python skills independently with tutorials

Not ready to commit to a course or a boot camp yet? You can read step-by-step guides for troubleshooting Python basics like syntax, if-else statements, exceptions, and working with loops in Coursera's free programming tutorials.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (+ Tips for Learning) (3)

Let your goal guide your learning.

Once you’ve built a foundation with the basics, the world of Python really opens up. As you progress, knowing your goal and letting it dictate your learning path is important.

If you’re building the skills for a new career as a data analyst, for example, you’ll probably want to learn Python skills like data scraping or visualization. If you’re more interested in becoming a developer, you may focus on skills like version control and multi-process architecture.

The types of libraries, frameworks, and the integrated development environment (IDE) you learn to work with will also vary based on your career goals.

Join a Python community.

Instead of learning to code as a solitary activity, surround yourself (virtually, anyway) with others who are learning Python. This can help boost your motivation while giving you a place to swap tips and tricks with other programmers.

Quora and Reddit both have active Python communities. You could also join PySlackers to meet other Python enthusiasts on Slack or the Python Discord channel.

Start advancing your Python skills today

If you’re not quite sure how Python fits with your personal and professional goals, consider a broad introductory course likePython for Everybody. If you’d like to develop your Python skills for a career as a data analyst, consider earning theIBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate. You’ll get hands-on experience working with Python, as well as SQL, Excel, and Jupyter notebooks.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Yes, it’s totally possible to teach yourself Python. You’ll find a variety of resources, from YouTube videos to books to interactive games, that can help you develop your coding skills. Many online courses also allow you to learn at your own pace, but with added structure, a clear learning path, and sometimes a built-in community of other learners.‎

Python is actually one of the best programming languages for beginners. Its syntax is similar to English, which makes it relatively easy to read and understand. With some time and dedication, you can learn to write Python, even if you’ve never written a line of code before.‎

It’s a common misconception that programming requires a lot of math. You don’t have to be a math whiz to succeed with Python. It helps to have a basic understanding of arithmetic. Writing Python is more about being able to solve problems by breaking them down into smaller steps, then using your creativity to craft a solution.‎

Unless you have a very specific reason for using Python 2, you should be using Python 3. Most companies use Python 3, plus Python 2 was sunsetted on January 1, 2020. This means that no more features, fixes, or security updates will be added.‎

Python is a valuable skill to have on your resume, but most jobs require a set of skills. If you’re going into data analytics, for example, you’ll likely need to have some proficiency in SQL, statistics, and data visualization. Developers may need to understand data structures, network basics, and testing methods.‎

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Coursera Staff

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This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (+ Tips for Learning) (2024)


How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (+ Tips for Learning)? ›

Read on for tips on how to maximize your learning. In general, it takes around two to six months to learn the fundamentals of Python. But you can learn enough to write your first short program in a matter of minutes. Developing mastery of Python's vast array of libraries can take months or years.

Is 1 hour a day enough to learn Python? ›

To learn the very basics of Python, 2 hours per day for two weeks can be enough. Considering it takes 500+ hours to reach a somewhat advanced level, though, you'll have to study Python for 4 hours per day for 5 months to get there.

How long does it take to learn Python enough to get a job? ›

If you're looking for a general answer, here it is: If you just want to learn the Python basics, it may only take a few weeks. However, if you're pursuing a career as a programmer or data scientist, you can expect it to take four to twelve months to learn enough advanced Python to be job-ready.

How long does it take to learn Python for data analysis? ›

While mastering Python for data science can take years, fundamental proficiency can be achieved in about six months. Python proficiency is crucial for roles such as Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Software Engineer, Business Analyst, and Data Analyst. Key Python libraries for data analysis are NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy.

How long does it take to complete Python for everybody course? ›

How long does it take to complete the Python for Everybody Specialization? Time to completion can vary based on your schedule and experience level, but most learners are able to complete the Specialization in about 8 months.

Is Python enough to get a job? ›

Python alone isn't going to get you a job unless you are extremely good at it. Not that you shouldn't learn it: it's a great skill to have since python can pretty much do anything and coding it is fast and easy. It's also a great first programming language according to lots of programmers.

Can I master Python in 10 days? ›

It's possible to learn the basics of Python in two weeks of full-time study and practice, but it will likely take more time to gain enough experience working on projects to become truly proficient.

Can I learn Python in 3 months and get a job? ›

It is possible to learn Python in three months. Landing a job in such a short amount of time is more difficult. Ultimately, it depends on your current skill level and the time you are willing to dedicate to learning.

Is Python job difficult? ›

Burnout is a thing. People leave software careers for other types of work all the time. So Python developers, like all developers, work hard in their way. They have a job that requires focus, creativity, and the ability to stay on top of a pile of shifting priorities.

Is it hard to find a job with Python? ›

Is Python Programming a Growing Field? Yes, the popularity and demand for Python programming – and the demand for Python Developers – continues to grow at a consistent rate. One estimate has over 40,000 jobs currently available for professionals with Python programming skills and experience.

What's the hardest programming language? ›

Malbolge. This language is so hard that it has to be set aside in its own paragraph. Malbolge is by far the hardest programming language to learn, which can be seen from the fact that it took no less than two years to finish writing the first Malbolge code.

Is learning Python worth it? ›

Professionals proficient in Python are highly sought after, with the machine learning job market alone projected to reach $31 billion by 2024. Python skills not only open doors to diverse and lucrative career opportunities but also enhance overall employability.

Is Python easier than Java? ›

Learning Curve: Python is generally considered easier to learn for beginners due to its simplicity, while Java is more complex but provides a deeper understanding of how programming works. Performance: Java has a higher performance than Python due to its static typing and optimization by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

What is the average age to learn Python? ›

Children can begin learning Python, a popular programming language, at around 10 to 12 years old, depending on their individual capabilities and interests. Python is often considered a good language for beginners due to its simple and readable syntax, making it more accessible for young learners.

How many hours a day to master Python? ›

From Awareness to Ability
GoalLearn Python's syntax and fundamental programming and software development concepts
Time RequirementApproximately four months of four hours each day
WorkloadApproximately ten large projects
1 more row

How long does it take to become skilled in Python? ›

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python?
LanguageTime to Learn
Python1-3 months for basics, 4-12 months for advanced topics
SQL1 to 2 months for basics, 1-3 months for advanced topics
R1-3 months for basics, 4-12 months for advanced topics
Julia1-3 months for basics, 4-12 months for advanced topics
1 more row

How long should I learn Python a day? ›

The Python for Everybody Specialization on Coursera, for example, typically takes about four months to complete if you're spending six hours per week on the courses. If you can dedicate more time, let's say two hours per day, you could complete the Specialization in two months.

Is 1 hour a day enough to learn programming? ›

You might be wondering, “Can I really learn to code by investing just one hour a day?” The answer is a resounding yes! With determination, focus, and effective strategies, dedicating even a single hour each day to learning to code can lead to significant progress over time.

Is 1 hour a day enough to learn a programming language? ›

It is true that the more time you put in, the faster you'll learn, but if you're okay with a longer timeframe, an hour a day is plenty. In fact, if you had the choice to spend ten hours learning to code over the weekend versus spending one hour each day of the week, I'd recommend the latter.


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