Woman killed and swallowed whole by 22-foot python (2024)

When Jahrah, 54, left her home for work as a tree tapper on an Indonesian rubber plantation on Sunday morning, it was the last time her family would see her alive. When Jahrah failed to return home that afternoon, her husband sounded the alarm and went out to find her.

The first sign that something was wrong was his discovery of his missing wife’s sandals, jacket, headscarf and knife on the forest floor.

The second sign was a heavily bloated snake, encountered by a search party looking for Jahrah the following morning.

“During the search the team found a giant python, measuring 7 meters [22 feet] in length, which we suspected had preyed on the victim,” the local police later said in a statement, which had referred to the victim simply as “Jahrah,” in line with the Indonesian custom of going by just one name. “The team captured the snake.”

The search team killed the reptile and sliced open its stomach, where they discovered Jahrah’s remains completely intact.


“The victim’s body was not destroyed when we found her inside the snake, meaning that she had only been recently swallowed whole,” the police said, after they found the reptile near the village of Betara in Indonesia’s Jambi province, located on Sumatra island.

Nonvenomous pythons usually prefer to not attack humans, choosing instead to feed on smaller animals — which they secure with a nonvenomous bite before suffocating to death through constriction and then eat.

But occasionally, humans are known to become their prey, too.

Snake conservationist Nathan Rusli, director of the Indonesia Herpetofauna Foundation, suspects a reticulated python was likely responsible. The species is the only reptile living in the Sumatran province of Jambi that is large enough to have consumed an adult human, he told The Washington Post.


“They are constrictors, so what they do is coil their body around you. They will give you a hug of death. You breathe in and your body gets smaller, it tightens its grip, and you can’t breathe out,” Rusli explained. “The top and bottom jaw of a snake is connected by ligaments, it’s quite flexible. They can swallow prey larger than the size of their head.”

Confirmed reports like these are relatively rare, occurring around once a year.

“Most cases are cases of farmers working in rubber and cacao plantations in Sumatra and Sulawesi, most cases occurs at night,” Indonesian snake expert Djoko Iskandar, a professor at Bandung Institute of Technology, told The Post. Only extremely long reptiles are able to successfully hunt adult humans, with the smallest Indonesian python known to have been involved in a fatal encounter still measuring over 18 feet long, Iskandar said.

Encounters between pythons and humans are becoming more common in Indonesia as people encroach on their habitats, which have come increasingly under threat, snake experts say.


Deforestation, which deprives snakes of their natural environment and food sources, is cited by experts as one factor behind the increasing frequency of fatal encounters between the reptiles and humans. Since 2000, Indonesia has lost 18 percent of its total tree cover, primarily as a result of deforestation, according to recent data from Global Forest Watch.

“If you destroy forest, the natural habitat of these animals, where are they going to go?” Rusli asked. “Especially if an area is fragmented, they’ll need to cross human settlements to get to another part of the forest.”


Additionally, trash, rats, and domestic animals associated with human life are easy prizes for snakes looking to feed, another attraction posed by the towns and villages increasingly encroaching upon their habitat. The pythons are also more likely to be hungry as a result of more competition from humans for the same food prey.

“It would be good not to demonize the snake too much,” Rusli suggested.

Dera Menra Sijabat in Bali contributed reporting.

Woman killed and swallowed whole by 22-foot python (2024)


Who was the woman found in the 22 foot python? ›

The body of a woman in Indonesia was recently discovered in the stomach of a massive, 22-foot-long (6.7 meters) python, which had killed and swallowed its victim whole. The woman, a 54-year-old grandmother named Jahrah, went missing in Jambi province on the island of Sumatra on Oct. 23, according to CNN Indonesia.

Who was the 54-year-old woman killed by python? ›

A woman in Indonesia's Jambi province was killed and swallowed whole by a python, according to local reports. Jahrah, a rubber-tapper reportedly in her 50s, had made her way to work at a rubber plantation on Sunday morning.

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In 2022 another 54-year old missing Sumatran woman from Jambi named Jahrah was found inside a python, making this the third fully documented swallowing of an adult human.

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An Indonesian woman, Jahrah in her 50's, a rubber tapper, went missing on Sunday night. A day later, villagers found a python with swollen stomach. The locals found the body inside the snake once they killed it.

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JAMBI, Indonesia - A 54-year-old Indonesian grandmother who went missing last Friday while collecting rubber on a plantation near her home in Jambi was eventually found in the stomach of a 22-foot python after a two-day search.

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A Maryland man found dead at his home alongside over 100 caged snakes died of accidental snake envenomation, according to an autopsy. David Riston, 49, died of “snake envenomation,” the state medical examiner's office ruled. His death was an accident, officials confirmed Wednesday.

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Like all pythons, it is a non-venomous constrictor. In very rare cases, adult humans have been killed (and in at least three reported cases, eaten) by reticulated pythons.

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There has never been a documented human death due to a wild python in Florida. How much damage have they done? Guzy points out that before 2000, researchers could frequently spot mammals in Everglades National Park.

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Missing grandma's body found in monster python that swallowed her whole. A grandmother was swallowed whole by a 22-foot-long python in Indonesia — with shocking video capturing the moment her remains were found inside the cut-open beast.

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The biggest python ever captured weighed a whopping 215 pounds and had recently consumed an entire white-tailed deer. But just because a snake can eat an animal that large doesn't mean it will.

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Does a ball python bite hurt? You will probably feel the effects of a python bite because it can cause scratches, puncture wounds, bruising, and even possibly deeper internal damage. These bites may be painful during the bite and as your injuries heal.

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Ana Julia was a mind-boggling 6.3 meters and weighed 200 kilograms. Biologist Freek Vonk, who was part of the research team, announced the snake's death on Instagram: With enormous pain in my heart, I want to let you know that the mighty big green anaconda I swam with was found dead in the river this weekend.

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The serpent Jörmungandr was tossed into the great ocean that encircles Midgard. There the serpent grew so large that it was able to surround the Earth and grasp its own tail. The old Norse thunder-god, Thor, has an on-going feud with Jörmungandr in their epics and the two can be seen as archfoes.

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Rosolie was supplied with a captive, 20 foot (6.1 m) anaconda for use in the stunt, and he equipped himself with a specially designed protective suit, which was doused in pig blood as bait. As it had affected his range of motion, Rosolie removed some of the padding from his suit that protected his arms.

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Medusa is reportedly still alive. The 8-year-old snake weighs about 350 lbs. and is a whopping 25'-2”. Before Medusa there was Fluffy, another Reticulated Python in Ohio's Columbus Zoo who measured 24'.

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JAMBI, Indonesia - A 54-year-old Indonesian grandmother who went missing last Friday while collecting rubber on a plantation near her home in Jambi was eventually found in the stomach of a 22-foot python after a two-day search.

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On August 5, 2013, an African rock python killed two boys in Campbellton, New Brunswick, Canada. The boys, brothers Noah and Connor Barthe, aged 4 and 6 respectively, were sleeping in an apartment above their friend's father's pet store.


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