The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

THE BOSTON 'GLOBE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1032 35 PAINTING COMMANDS ATTENTION i ON DISPLAY ll InJ i roal Miwn.1 a paintin? by Julias Bloch of Philadelphia, 'which is commanding in ibe first biennial exhibition of contemporary American painting, now 7a at tbe Whitner it 11 seam of American Art in New York city. Thirty-one artists tn-a Txrio cetions of the United States outside of New York city are represented tr worts of their own selection. 4 Aew' 4, 1 0 HI CLEW TO IDENTITY OF KISS BURGLAR Man Operating in Similar Way Made 40 Breaks in New York County the closed body (individually controlled) greatest health lZOZf6 coze cr Ae ew asu The 6rt definite clew to the identity rf the kiss burglar comes the State police of Conecticut to -e Boston police, describing him, his methods and advising that wanted for similar crimes and for housebreaks in Westchester County, York. The information resulted in renewed i cnr on the part of the Boston police apprehend him and it is now believed 1 be only a matter of hours before he be custody. Information from the Connecticut ate police detailed that the so-called burglar is believed to be operat--g a car under a registration plate of hat State.

The car is stolen and is tgistered under No. 2682. He is ranted by the Connecticut State police a connection with the theft of the ar. On Way to Church, He Says The report declares that he is about years old. 5ft 4in tall, of medium ifd, with black curly hair, and appears to be an Italian.

The report de-ares that he is a degenerate and has i-acked several women in the Mt Ver-ra section of New York under similar crc*msaances to those of the Boston pi fades. He has, according to the report, 40 house breaks in Westchester iuntv, Y. His method of according to the report, is to prage the car in a local garage during ne i.aj and to sleep in a nearby In the late evening he gets car out and begins his operations muehout the city. He carries with r.m a mckel-plated revolver, a large flashlight, and at timse wears a haud-acrchief over his face. Entering any home he ascertains r-f the chamber of the lacy of the house and threatens to kill her if she reruns.

If he meets policemen TWO YOUTHS SHOT ATTEMPTING HOLDUP nrprised by Policeman, Who Kills One i YEW YORK. Dec 2 (A. were shot, one fatally, when were surprised by a policeman kV I last night. The policeman. Jo-n Papp, 31.

also was wounded. Papp. on his way to report for duty, is-1 copped in the drug store, of Mar-f-s Kre.el to make a purcha'se. Two apparently not seeing the po-came in and pointed at Kressel. Papn drew h.s and killed one t.em on the spct.

Tne oher fled. ere surprised ay puuceman holding up an Astoria drug I and comfort factor since BUILD THEM YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL the street during the early morning hours, according to the Connecticut State Police report, he explains that he is on his way to church. The report states that this is his invariable explanation of his presence on the sereet. He work only from midnight to 6 o'clock in the morning. Prowler Bellow Officer With the Back Bay district practically an armed camp and every available police officer of that division and officers from Police Headquarters in cruising cars waiting to receive him, the peeper who has been terrorizing the residents of that section failed to put an appearance early this morning, the police say.

Once during the morning a taxicab driver walked into the station and informed Scrgt Edward L. Twohig that he had seen a man prowling on Ipswich st. A squad that had been waiting at the station for just such a call jumped into action and rushed to the 'scene, only to find that it was a brother officer who was looking for the peeper. During the past two nights the peeper has had the police of that division in a quandary. He has been putting in an appearance every half-hour in different sections of the Back Bay, and he was even bold enough to transgress on the domain of Pplice Commissioner Eugene C.

Hultman'yes-terday morning while the commis-' sioner was peacefully asleep, perhaps dreaming about filling the various vacancies for captains in the department. When that compaint was made at the Back Bay Station the police got right down to business and through-! out last evening and this morning it was not good judgment for any young man to be valking through the district who could not give good reason for his being there. STATE POLICEMAN'S WIFE GETS DEGREE Corp Thompson Struck Her, She Tells Court Corp Robert E. Thompson the State Police struck his wife and treat- her ith such cruelty that she lost weight and was on the verge of a nervous breakdown six months after their marriage, it was testified today in Suffolk Probate Court, where Judge Joseph T. McCoole granted the wife, Mrs Alma A.

Thompson of Warren av, Brighton, a divorce decree nisi on the ground of cruel and abusive treat ment. The couple, married on Feb 6, 1930, LEOMINSTER MAN SHOOTS BLACK FOX LEOMINSTER, Dec 2-Harry E. Goodale, 101 Mechanic st, yesterday while hunting in the Spec Pond district shot a black fox which is believed to have escaped from a fox farm In that vicinity. NOYES BUICK Si'S 855 Commonwealth Avenue MEDFORD Medford Bulclc Co. NEWTON Newton Buick Co.

QUINCY South Shore Buick Co. WALTHAM Waltham Buick Co. ARLINGTON Arlington Buick Co. CHELSEA Chelsea Buick Co. DORCHESTER Dorchester Buick Co.

MALDEN W. H. Pembrook THIS DISPLAY i that In a -oopulaflzatlon of courses taught in the schools there is a trend away from classical studies toward fine arts, -social sciences and physical training. The changes, Mr Koos said, are the result of a new conception of values and are along the lines of making secondary school work trend toward a program of complete living Instead of merely a preparation for college or university admission. WILLIAM H.

JOHNSON DEAD AT HIS HOME IN PEABODY PEABODY, Dec 2-Wllllam H. Johnson, a resident 10 years, died yesterday at his home, 5 Holten at. He was born In Boston nd was a leather worker until his retirement some years ago. He was a member of Woburn Lodge of Elks. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs Mary F.

(Ward) Johnson; three daughters, Miss Isabelle E. Johnson, Mra Charles A. Woods of this city and Mrs James F. Whalen of Danvers, and a son, Joseph W. Johnson of this city.

New Thought Founder Dead NEW YORK, Dec 2-Mrs Mary Etheridge Thompson Chapin, founder of ths New Thought Alliance, Is dead. PRODUCT OP GENERAL MOTOR! EX-FOLLIES GIRL TAKEN IN FRISCO Entry, From Canada to Be Investigated SAN FRANCISCO, Deo 2 (A. P.3 Patricia Salmon who, newspaper sports writers hers sfid, advanced from a singing role In a tent show at Shelby, Mont, to Zlegfelds Follies, was arrested today by Federal immigration Inspectors for Investigation concerning her entry into the United States from Canada. Miss Salmon, the sports writers said, gained note when she appeared in how in Shelby prior to the Dempeey-Glbbone fight. Praises of writers who were assembled to report the fight wo her a place In the Follies, they asserted.

She was released on $500 bond. Dr Calvin L. Cooper Dead KANSAS CITY. Dec 3 (A. Calvin L.

Cooper. 61, city health director for Kansas City, died hers. r.z as he ran. and Papp collapsed lived together on Ransome road, -a a bullet in the right ler. Taken Brighton.

At the time, Corp Thomp- hospital, he said he had wound- i son was attached to the State Police to second gunman, but no trace i barracks at Holden, and was at home fc 'ourd. only about twice a month, the wife A third you.h was believed to haveN, They quarreled frequently over en standing outside money, she testified, and during these arguments he struck her. At the conclusion of their last trouble, in June, 1930, she said, Thompson announced that he Was tired of it all and was going to leave Mrs Thompson said she became hysterical at that time, and ran to another room to obtan one of -her hus bands revolvers, which he always left at home. The weapon was taken away from her by patrolman Harold R. Sullivan of 'tne Needham police, who was visiting them.

Thompson left the house that night, the wife said, and they have not lived together since. He called her on the telephone several times subsequently, she said, and threatened to break the lease on their furniture so that It would be taken back by the dealer. Mrs Thompsons testimony was corroborated by patrolman Sullivan of Needham, who said that in June, 1930, he saw Thompson strike at his wife several times. He was unable to say whether any of the blows landed, however. He also testified that he took a loaded revolver away from Mrs Thompson when she was hysterical after the argument.

Mrs Stella Price of 52 Concord av, Cambridge, a cousin of Mrs Thompson, said that Mrs Thompson failed in health after her marriage, and was on the verge of a nervous breakdown after a few months. Corp Thompson is now attached to the Stati Police Patrol at Petersham. STUDENTS WASTE 32 HOURS A WEEK 1 College Boys and Girls Study Less Than That NEW ORLEANS, Dec 2 (A. college students study? This question was answered here Jn a survey reported to the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and secondary schools by Dr H. Donovan, president of Eastern Kentucky State Techers College.

The sarvey made at his institution, he said, revealed the average freshman spends 26.14 hours a week in study and the average senior 23.75 hours. Boys in college, to Dr Donovans way of reasoning, waste hours per week, or 4 6i hours per day and girls waste 31.05 hours per week, or 4.43 hours per day. The results of the secondary education survey, L. Koos, rrofessor of secondary education at the University of Chicago and associate director of ths national survey, reported, show Margaret Deane, Carolyn Carroll, Mildred Campbell, Marion Case, Lynn Washbufh, Lillian Provost, Vera Se-dach, Beatrice Repetti, Barbara Cah-pln, Catherine Legenowicz, Marlon Carpenter, Virginia Desnoyer, Marguerite Broges, Ruth Hamlen, Louise Brennan, Edna Desnoyer, Mary Ann Roque, Viola Chassey, Corinna Wash-burp, Mary Tinsley. Mary Messaline, Adelaide Bowker, Elizabeth Tinsley, Jane Anderson.

Lucy Silva, Ruth Pen-ley, Beatrice Houlberg, Adeline Fruz-zetti, Sophie Gruntmeyer, Arlene Parris, Natalie Lyna, Agnes Otis, Rose Christoforl, Elizabeth Cushing, Eleanor Sanders, Eileen Anthonina Surinski, Virginia Salus, Jane Bickford, Martha Dorr, Hazel Kruger, Betty McLaughlin, Annie Polterek, Rita Buron, Sophie Silaikis, The comedy will be repeated this evening. WEST MANSFIELD FIRE CHECKED WITH $600 LOSS MANSFIELD, Dec 2-Members of Combination 3, West Mansfit'd, made a fine stop of a fire in the horns of Chester Matteson, Balcom st, yesterday afternoon. When they arrived the blaze was burning briskly, but the estimated loss on the building and contents was confined to $600. FUemen under Capt Charles' E. Briggs Jr laid two lines of hose, wltn a line from the booster tank.

H. Durgln, Ronald Atwood, Dr A. F. Hunt, Geoerge H. Covington, Foster P.

Parsons, C. C. Putney, Morton R. Seavey, Edward A. MacMaster, David Sweeney, Edward Pratt, August

Col H. Sv Wonson, Rosario Wood, Rev William L. McKinney, Harold D. Hunt, H. B.

MacPhersom Donald Atwood, Joseph K. Barber, Edward Azevado, Harry Howe, Percy Howe, Leo Devlin, Herman Daiker, Herman W. Richter, Meredith Williams, George C. Raymond, Lester Lane, David Andrews Jr, A. F.

Hunt Jr, W. D. Carel-ton, James H. Dickinson, Arthur Sampson and' Owen Maguire. A skit was given under the direction of Charles Snow by Fred A.

Snow, Charles F. Snow, John W. Dowd, Ed Pickett, Joseph Condon, H. Loring Jenkins, George O. Jenkins, Lester W.

Sprague, Enoch Perkins, Leo F. Nourse, Fred N. Gassett, Dr Edward T. Dane, Rev Myron R. Bunnell, John J.

Kelly, Calvin Carver, Ralph Perkins, Mrs H. G. Daiker, Mrs Perley Smith, Mrs H. W. Richter, Margaret Keith, Elizabeth McHale.

Mrs William D. Wright, Mrs A. M. Callendar, Lois Godfrey, Gladys Sweeney, Mrs George Chiera, Rose Flynn, Georgia Boynton, Mary Campbell, Mary Carroll, EUse Aldrich, Violet Arthur, Beatrice Morin, Beatrice MacFarland, Eleanor Nlms, Eleanor Webster and' Louise Buckley. In the girls- chorus were Gertrude Ryan, Rose Pistons, Barbara Nash, COMEDY PRESENTED AT BRIDGEWATER Henry's Wedding" Given by Lions Club BRIDGEWATER, Dec 2 The comedy, Henrys Wedding, was presented last evening in the Horace Mann Auditorium of the State Teachers College under auspices of the Liens Club.

The proceeds will go into the childrens field fund. The principal parts were taken by P. Percival Dorr, Mrs Charles K. Nash, Francis Hall, Mrs Gracs McElroy. William Flynn, Howard Roger Moore, Catherine Moore.

Marjory Case. Phyllis Dorr. Mrs Ralph W. Case Fred P. Turner, Herman G.

Dalker, William Gorman, Manuel Souza, Ernest Kingston, Milburn Carver, Lois Godfrey, Charles Snow, John Dowd, Edward Pickett, Margaret Keith, Dorothy Turner and Ray Doyle. An interesting feature was presented in which guests of the 1890 period participated in a wedding of the 1940 period. The participants were George 55 WASHINGTON ST. COR. CORNHILL BOSTON tVtRVTHIRO FOR SPORT NO RECREATION V- I.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.